[fab] Project Hosting

Josh Boyer jwboyer at jdub.homelinux.org
Sun May 7 21:30:38 UTC 2006

I bugged Seth about this a little on IRC, but I thought I would take it
to a bit wider audience.  The basic discussion that we had was that the
current /cvs/fedora isn't really sufficient for new projects, and CVS
isn't going to cut it forever.  (Seth can smack me down if I'm wrong on
the summary.)

So the question becomes, what is?

Developer Nation was mentioned.  I read Karsten's blog on it and thought
it sounded cool, though I still have no idea what it really is.  I
realize it's not quite ready yet, so perhaps that is natural.

What exactly do we think we're looking for in terms of project hosting?
I can think of a couple different ways of approaching this topic, but
perhaps getting a bit more background information would be good before
launching full steam into it.


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