[fab] Architecture Policy.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Fri Nov 17 00:21:30 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 16:48 -0500, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Jesse Keating (jkeating at redhat.com) said: 
> > Sure, but how can you tell?  How can you tell what somebody might have done to 
> > get from point A) source rpms to point B) binary rpms wrapped up in an iso?
> So, you'd ship a system that doesn't use the bits you use to build
> it? Why would someone go to that much effort? 

One example that comes immediately to mind is cross-compilation.

It's very tempting to cross-compile to support CPUs like ARM --- and fro
long bitter experience we _know_ that cross-compilation causes all kinds
of interesting screwups -- largely due to the {mis,}use of autotools

I'm don't think we'd ever want a cross-built distro to be 'blessed'.
Scratchbox is better but still I'm not sure.


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