[fab] OpenID: an actually distributed identity system

Michael Tiemann tiemann at redhat.com
Wed Sep 27 12:41:57 UTC 2006

I saw OpenID ( http://openid.net/ ) presented and demonstrated at
EuroOSCON last week--it looked really cool.  My reason for writing this
morning is because on another list (grass-dev at grass.itc.it) developers
are bemoaning the problem of (1) spam in their bugtracker, and (2) their
desire to keep the bugtracker open and not require that users sign up
for an account before using the system.

I understand there is a similar question being discussed about just how
open to make the Fedora Wiki (not the CVS repository, but the Wiki).

I, too, hate the fact that I have to manage so many identities on the
web, and I, too, wish there were a decent single sign-on for me to use
with my favorite websites.  I'd like to suggest OpenID as a possible
candidate for solving that problem and see whether enough people on this
list agree to push it into the Fedora infrastructure.


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