RFC: Release team meetings

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Fri Apr 13 15:33:20 UTC 2007

>>>>> "JK" == Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com> writes:

JK> Sure it's neat information to have, but for the sake of getting a
JK> few people together to get some work done, I really don't want to
JK> have to go through the headache of creating all this red tape and
JK> governance.

As far as I can tell all you really need is something that tells
people where to look if they want to become involved in the process.
What list should they join (if there's a list)?  What IRC channel
should they join (if there's IRC discussion)?  If you decide to have
meetings (and nothing requires that as far as I can see) then say when
and where the meetings are held.

That's about it.  It might be nice to list out the people who are
currently on the team so that everyone knows who they're talking to
and who to ping.  But I agree that if folks are really wanting you to
elect a chairman and list out the parliamentary procedure you're using
then that indeed is a bit over the top and I can see why you'd object.

And if you hate dealing with the wiki as much as I do, just post that
info here and ask nicely and I'm sure that someone will cook up a

 - J<

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