Fedora Games Spin : Requesting Board Approval

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Thu Sep 27 16:28:20 UTC 2007

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Jeremy Katz wrote:

> And really, there's something bigger here.  We need to be able to have
> groups (such as the Games SIG) able to create and build their own live
> images and make them available without requiring the overhead of
> 1) Release engineering being involved to actually do the build[2]


> 2) Being able to do their own testing, etc.  As it is, Will can't try
> all the combinations of everything.  Adding more doesn't help.


> 3) Be able to have releases that aren't carried by all mirrors.  Because
> the explosion of images is going to be a lot of space on mirrors which
> isn't necessarily practical given how "popular" they are

No question.  These spins should be BitTorrent only.

These questions point to a long-standing question that we've never 

What does it mean to be "a Fedora spin"?

We've gone 'round and 'round on this.  We don't want to give everything 
"Official Fedora Status," whatever that means... because we want anything 
with "Official Fedora Status," whatever that means, to "Not Suck," 
whatever that means.

The point of Infinite Fedora Spins is *precisely not* to put releng in the 
path of every spin.

So here's a proposal straight out of my ass.

1. OFFICIAL FEDORA SPINS.  A small handful -- maybe even only one.  They 
go through releng and QA.  They go to mirrors.

2. A FEDORA SIG SPIN.  As many spins as there are SIGs.  The leadership of 
the SIG figures out how to take ownership of the spin.  We provide 
infrastructure to build the spin.  SIG members are responsible for 
releng/QA tasks.  They are hosted on BitTorrent.  Examples: Games, Music, 
and KDE.  Yes, KDE.

Can it not be that simple?


Greg DeKoenigsberg
Community Development Manager
Red Hat, Inc. :: 1-919-754-4255
"To whomsoever much hath been given...
...from him much shall be asked"

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