Fedora Bugzilla Instance (was dormant bugs and our perception)

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Thu Jan 3 16:47:13 UTC 2008

John Poelstra wrote:
> First someone needs to come up with a *compelling* business case for 
> *why* a separate bugzilla instance would truly make things better for 
> Fedora.  This is way more complicated than creating a new bugzilla 
> instance so it can be customized by the community.  While that might be 
> one "benefit" I don't think it outweighs all the factors that would go 
> into performing the migration and then maintaining it--I think people 
> underestimate how time consuming that would be.

I believe, as a matter of principle, that all of the Fedora 
infrastructure should be accessible to people outside of Red Hat.

> If there are special changes needed for Fedora someone should start a 
> discussion on fedora-devel or get a wiki page going to collect the 
> requirements.

Something similar was actually tried a long time back with no results 
but I would try doing it again if it is going to be of any use since 
there is some movement happening in Bugzilla instance in Red Hat recently.


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