The current Trademark License Agreement is unacceptable

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Fri Aug 28 07:52:34 UTC 2009

Am Donnerstag, den 27.08.2009, 19:00 -0400 schrieb Luis Villa:

> The agreement does not make that worse, and may well in some respects
> make it better. So by all means work with Red Hat to simplify,
> clarify, etc. But please don't make the agreement out to be a big deal
> when it really isn't. It changes very little.

I disagree, it does make it worse because
     1. the licensee obligates himself for an unlimited indemnification
     2. the licensee acknowledges the licensor to automatically become
        owner of his domains even for no reason.

Without the TLA these questions would have to be cleared when they
arise, but by signing the TLA you in advance resign the right to go to

> Luis


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