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Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Fri Jul 23 18:16:13 UTC 2010

2010/7/23 Máirín Duffy <duffy at>:
> Is it a requirement that we do?

No. If we want to decide to take a scorched earth policy.. then fine.
As a first step along the path of such a policy  point me to a
publicly archived tarball of the current Red Hat bugzilla please. Are
we prepared to drop our dependency on Red Hat's bugzilla? If not, then
talk of a scorch earth policy is hypocritical. And as much as I love
to see us take a strong ideological stance, I don't want us to strike
that pose and then be hypocritical about how we choose to implement

I'd much rather see a workable policy in place, even if its a
compromise with my own idealogical stance as long as it provides what
this project needs in terms of a hedge against proprietary lock-in or
service degradation than a policy that encourages overt hypocritical
decision making and lots of special case grandfathering.


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