Fedora Project and Fedora Board

Robert 'Bob' Jensen bob at fedoraunity.org
Fri May 13 19:43:01 UTC 2011

----- "Adam Williamson" <awilliam at redhat.com> wrote:
> It seems like an odd requirement. What if someone thinks you are a
> great
> candidate but also thinks someone else on the slate is a great
> candidate? We are electing five people, not one. What if someone
> thinks
> you are a great candidate but someone else on the slate is a terrible
> candidate, and wants to use their range vote to give the other
> candidates a reasonable number of votes and the one they think is
> terrible no votes? All of these things seem orthogonal to a person's
> support for you as a candidate, so the requirement seems a bit
> quixotic.

I hate to repeat myself but I am only asking 10 people to do so, if someone can't or chooses not to, that is fine they will split their votes however they want. The reason I am doing this is pretty simple, I'm asking 10 people to throw out range voting and cast a vote like they would in any 'normal' election.

-- Bob

|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
|       bob at fedoraunity.org        ||      http://fedoraunity.org/     |
|                   http://bjensen.fedorapeople.org/                   |
|                http://blogs.fedoraunity.org/bobjensen                |
|                   http://www.facebook.com/rpjensen                   |

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