FUDcon Board Meeting

Jon Stanley jonstanley at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 20:48:41 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Rahul Sundaram <metherid at gmail.com> wrote:

> This issue keeps coming up the board because there is a number of people
> who believe it is within the board's purview.  If the board doesn't want
> to take the responsibility, noone can force it and I am not going to try.

The board *has* taken responsibility here. That responsibility was to
empower the rest of the community to do what it feels right. If I told
you, coming from the Board, that you had to do something in one of
your packages that you may or may not want to do, that would probably
go over like a lead balloon, and you'd be crying foul that the board
was too activist. As mentioned earlier in the thread, reference codec
buddy for something that I view to be an abject failure of the board
(and apologies to people that were on the board at the time - I
wasn't) meddling in technical issues where they had no business

What the board has said with regard to this particular issue is that
*if* the maintainer of a particular browser wants to switch to using
DDG by default (as Midori has already done long ago, without asking
any sort of permission), then that is their prerogative to do so.
Moreover, if someone *else* wants to package the search plugin, and
possibly even include it in default comps groups, they're welcome to
do that as well.

In short, I view this as the Board getting out of the way of the
community, as it should be.

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