Proposal: Revision of policy surrounding 3rd party and non-free software

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at
Wed Jan 22 00:29:14 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-01-21 at 16:12 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> When it comes to applications on the other hand, having an easier way
> to
> install samples from the wider ecosystem will probably help improving
> the free options, rather than hinder it. It is always good to see what
> the competition is doing, and take some inspiration from it.
> If you want to keep our users from seeing non-free options to keep
> them
> from recognizing that the free choices suck, then you've already
> admitted defeat...

How are we keeping our users from seeing non-free software again? I
don't recall blocking Adobe/Chrome/Nvidia/non-free-provider's websites
on Fedora. I *do* recall community members writing how-tos explaining
why we don't ship them, and how a user can obtain them.

Also, how does maintaining an ideal FOSS distribution mean that we've
admitted defeat? If anything, it means that we trust free software
enough to use it as much as we possibly can, at some points sacrificing
non-free software that has some other feature that we could've used.

Please let's stop with the movie style dialogues here. 

PS: Anyone that feels that "free choices suck", needs to move to
Mac/Windows already and be done with it.
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)

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