Survey stuff

Michael Scherer misc at
Sat Jul 19 01:36:41 UTC 2014

Le lundi 14 juillet 2014 à 10:19 -0500, Bruno Wolff III a écrit :

> Anonymity is really hard to do right. Even if you start without an FAS to 
> response connection, the answers to the survey itself can identify people 
> or at least narrow things down to a small group. Also there will be server 
> logs from when the response is done that could reveal information about 
> the responder (unless they are very careful).

While i do not think this would be practical as is and mention it just
for completeness, the survey could also be hosted as a tor hidden
service, thus making the issue of server log moot.

However, this would requires some uncommon setup on the client side that
would likely skew the results, and wouldn't solve the other issue you
Michael Scherer

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