[Design-team] Gpick color picker

Máirín Duffy duffy at fedoraproject.org
Thu Mar 3 14:48:31 UTC 2011


Ryan Lerch redented a post about gpick which is a floss color picker



I just built and installed it on Fedora 14 and it's pretty nice. I added
it to the package wishlist too, so if you know anybody who can do
packaging you might want to talk to them about the possibility of
packaging it :)


If you want to try it yourself here's the steps I took to make it work:

- Download the tarball

- Expand the tarball (Right click, extract)

- In the terminal, go to the expanded tarball's directory.

- yum install scons boost boost-devel flex flex-devel lemon lemon-devel
lua lua-devel dbus-glib-devel -y

- scons

- scons install

It should then appear under Applications > Graphics > Gpick 

:) Let me know if you have any trouble building it - copy/paste the
scons error message and we'll figure it out.


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