[Design-team] Need help with designing logo for Waartaa (https://www.waartaa.com)

Ratnadeep Debnath rtnpro at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 03:43:25 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Sarup Banskota <sbanskota08 at gmail.com> wrote:
> As with everything, I'd love feedback on these ideas! All of them have a
> Fedora touch to it, but should make sense even without thinking about the
> Fedora relationship :) I've tried to incorporate the 'व' into the third one.
> After spending some time on replacing the mouth with the 'व', it just didn't
> blend that well.

First of all, sorry for the delay in sharing my feedback :(
I love the first logo from [1]. I perceive the following things from the image:
- W is kind of a mouth, which represents 'w' from Waartaa and as well to speak.
- The eyes and W, combined together looks like two persons shaking
hands, representing collaboration
- I can see a subtle 'व' in the 'a' used in the text 'waartaa'
- The Fedora bubble also looks like a message bubble
- Finally, the cloud hat ;)

Did I perceive the concept correctly? If so, I believe that this logo
incorporates all of Waartaa's ideologies and goals.

However, I feel something missing near the cloud hat part over the
face. It feels like the hat and the face are on different planes. I
sense some emptiness in that region. What do you think?

> [1] - http://sarupbanskota.fedorapeople.org/waartaa/waartaalogos.svg
> [2] - http://sarupbanskota.fedorapeople.org/waartaa

Ratnadeep Debnath,
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