Fedora Core 4 ETA

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Tue Mar 15 10:57:00 UTC 2005

Harald Hoyer wrote:

> Gain Paolo Mureddu wrote:
>> 1)    From the desktop stand point, what advancements have there been 
>> made in regards to things like udev. We all know udev in FC3 works, 
>> but sometimes fails silently and wthout any warning whatsoever to the 
>> user on what's going on. I'm sure this has been worked on for Core 4, 
>> but how has it been addressed?
> What exactly do you mean?
For instance when your USB mouse suddenly stops working, and if you 
search for your any kind of explanation in the system log, you'll most 
likely will find a series of erros regarding timeouts and that the 
device is not accepting x or y address...

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