Tracker by default in Fedora 8?

M Daniel R Magarzo b2.mdr.magarzo at
Thu Aug 9 00:32:49 UTC 2007

El mié, 08-08-2007 a las 04:20 +0530, Rahul Sundaram escribió:
>  If you 
> still consider Beagle as the better choice, let's enable it back in 
> rawhide by default then.
> Either way, desktop search is a good thing to have by default.

I'm a lurker here in this list, but I couldn't avoid getting into this
thread at this point.
Just my particular experience, just an end-user:
	* I ended up removing beagle from F7 here (too..)
	* It's scandalous the amount of CPU usage that such a thing eats
continuously in the background. I'm not much hardened in Linux, but just
by doing a single "top" at the CLI we will always find beagle at the
	* Beagle, and other things such as tomboy drag others like Mono, too
much weight... IMO. 
	* I can't see clearly its (acclaimed) benefits and goodness. It isn't
worthwhile, at least for me..
	* I can't understand "the fashion" about that tool, I've even heard
(read) that at the moment it's ("should be") one of the "five
priorities" for the desktop, "which would be able to ensure the success
of this or that Linux flavour.."
	* I use "gnome-search" and I think it's a powerful tool. I'm happy with
	* I don't know "tracker", but I hope it works & it does it with no too
much cpu load.


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