More low hanging fruit.

Rui Tiago Cação Matos tiagomatos at
Sat Aug 25 00:50:36 UTC 2007

On Sex, 2007-08-24 at 20:29 -0400, Jon Nettleton wrote:
> If you don't want to see this message why don't you disable eth0 from
> coming up on boot?  This problem really has nothing to do with rhgb.
> Instead of complaining why not suggest what you would like to see.

Personally I'd prefer to not have time to see nothing. Boot should be as
fast as possible:

Power On -> BIOS output -> Nice image/color/gradient/whatever -> GDM
                ^                           ^
        Inevitable on x86   Realistically shouldn't take more than 20s.

The point is, for a desktop spin there is nothing to show until GDM.
Network management should be done by NM and pretty much everything else
should be started on demand by D-Bus.

*Reality check*: I know this won't happen for F8 but let's try for
F9 :-)


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