Polishing stuff - gnome-filesystem package

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at laiskiainen.org
Mon Feb 19 14:41:08 UTC 2007

On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Nils Philippsen wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-02-19 at 12:55 +0200, Panu Matilainen wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Feb 2007, David Nielsen wrote:
>>> søn, 18 02 2007 kl. 12:34 -0500, skrev David Zeuthen:
>>>> Also, even if we don't solve problem 3. until Fedora 8 I still think we
>>>> should do this. It's not like apps aren't hardcoding folders today..
>>> Some of them are.. f-spot for one hardcodes ~/Photos much to my
>>> annoyance because I have a setup entirely in Danish and it makes kittens
>>> cry every time I see that one folder.. please think of the kittens.
>> Some apps hardcoding folder names doesn't make it a good idea that should
>> be copied everywhere.
> +1
> If apps would like to open certain directories for e.g. photos, this
> could easily be defined as a /desktop/gnome/foldernames/photos gconf
> key. This would let us we-have-lived-well-with-this-layout-for-years
> types point these apps to the directories we use.

Amen. Having a central place to tell the system "my photo/music/etc 
collection is here" and have all the relevant applications honor that 
would actually be very nice. Assuming there's a way to set them through 
application preferences or such, having to resort to gconf-editor to tune 
such things is not ok :)

Much like having a central place to configure http proxy would be nice 
(would be, because major applications like firefox don't honor gnome 
settings :-/ )

 	- Panu -

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