pruning the liveCD

Bill Nottingham notting at
Wed Feb 21 04:07:08 UTC 2007

David Zeuthen (davidz at said: 
> > The questions really just come down to which compromises we want to
> > make.  Well, that or we need to come up with magically better
> > compression :)
> Yeah.

This brings up one of my nagging concerns though - one of our
main points is that we're trying to do a single usable Live CD.

As the guy who used to do the Publishers Edition[1]... this is
a losing game. We're always going to get more languages. Code
tends to always get bigger. We're always going to get *more*
functionality we'd like to include, not less. So, the usefulness
of the LiveCD is actually going to *decrease* over time.

Considering it's a large part of our F7 (and presumably future)
plans, that worries me.


[1] In the days before LiveCDs, there was the Red Hat Linux
'Publisher's Edition' - a single installable CD that would
contain a desktop, standard apps, and basic servers. Due
to a) size constraints b) a lack of useful rel-eng tools, it
was a pain in the ass to build

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