fedora 6/7 - why do you ignore k3b by default?

Gian Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Tue May 15 19:38:36 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Valent Turkovic escribió:
> Why isn't the best burning software on by default on new fedora 6/7
> installations?
> Is there some particular reason? I see k3b as the best cd/dvd burning
> app and it should be installed by default IMHO.
> Also when it is installed by hand it still doesn't play well on Fedora
> 6/7 desktops.
> I posted a bug for it:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=240097
> Can you please give a bit more of much needed attention to k3b?
> Thank you very much.
I would assume that the main reason not to include it, is that it
requires a hefty amount of KDE packages (almost a small installation
of the bulk of KDE) to run. It requires KDE-base, KDE-multimedia (not
to mention QT) and maybe I'm skipping a few others. Sure, it is a good
program, and by all means it should be on by default in every Fedora
KDE installation. If you don't mind cross DE programs, you can also
install it if you are using GNOME, XFCE, Fluxbox or whatever other DE
you want (which is what I do, anyway). Bottom line is that K3B is more
of an option than a requirement.

For those GNOME users, there're alternatives like Gnome Baker
(successor of the old gToaster, which at the time was THE best CD
burning front end for Linux) or the already mentioned nautilus-burn.
Sure, K3B is great, but it should be part or not of the default
installation whether you'll be installing KDE or not, not on by
default, at least that's my opinion.
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