testable things in rawhide

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at hi.is
Fri Feb 13 20:02:51 UTC 2009

Matthias Clasen wrote:
> I felt I should highlight one of the almost complete F11 features that
> have recently landed in rawhide and are waiting to be tried out...
> Marek has pretty much completed his work on making system-config-printer
> use PolicyKit to control access to privileged operations:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/CupsPolicyKitIntegration
> To see how the policies apply, just open system-config-printer and try
> to make changes to your printer configuration.
> To change or inspect cups-related policies, go to System ➔ Preferences ➔
> Authorizations and navigate to the org.opensuse.cupspkhelper part of the
> tree. (As the name indicates, this feature is a collaboration between us
> and some OpenSUSE guys).
> Please let us know if things work as expected (or if they don't...)
> Matthias
Could you please post this ( and any other test related subject ) to the 
and or cc the test list.

Best regards
                   Johann B.

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