Cleaning up the Administration menu on the live cd

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Tue Jul 7 05:42:53 UTC 2009

On 07/07/2009 03:08 AM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Here is a proposal for a drastic first cut, dropping tools that are
> dysfunctional or obsoleted by other modules or of limited use or totally
> uninteresting for the target audience of a desktop spin:

Is this target audience written down anywhere?

> - system-config-boot
> - system-config-language
> - system-config-lvm
> - system-config-selinux
> - system-config-rootpassword

These can go. I wouldn't miss them in the default install esp with sudo
setup. Why isn't that configured yet?

> - system-config-network
> - system-config-services

I am doubtful about these.


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