Redirecting ABRT spam

Colin Walters walters at
Mon Sep 14 14:44:25 UTC 2009

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Matthias Clasen <mclasen at> wrote:

> Another thing that would be good to prevent and F12 bug flood is to make
> duplicate catching work better. I've had to manually mark a number of
> abrt reports with very similar stacktraces as dupes. I would have
> expected abrt to figure that out by itself.

Duplicate catching is only part of the problem.   I have a few arguments:

1) At a very fundamental level, the generating at least one email to a
developer per crash *does not scale*.  Crashes can happen for an
amazing number of reasons totally unrelated to the software that
crashed.  We CANNOT create a developer task per crash by default.
2) We won't actually get the data because of Bugzilla login hurdles.
Right now only people really willing to jump through a lot of hoops
will be able to successfully file a bug.  This drastically reduces the
crash data we get and radically distorts it.
3) Associating a crash by default with an email address (as Bugzilla
requires) is wrong.  They may contain private data in the stack
arguments, and ideally (if we had a sane storage system) we'd be able
to accept the full core file (suitably compressed for transfer, and
with a privacy note)>

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