spin kickstart/minimization cleanups

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Wed Apr 21 18:32:13 UTC 2010

Adam Williamson (awilliam at redhat.com) said: 
> We don't do anything like this at present. There are all sorts of
> packages which are useful only to some specific piece of hardware which
> we do not install by default. Off the top of my head I can think of
> synce (for manipulating Windows Mobile phones), barry (for Blackberries)

The right answer for these is a single syncing framework that DTRT
whether it's a WinMo, Andriod, BlackBerry, iPhone, or whatever; not
random phone-specific packages.

> and Concordance (for handling Logitech remote controls).

Given that this is a remote programming tool (as opposed to a tool for
*using* the remote), it's likely to be special.


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