changes to base-x comps group

Bill Nottingham notting at
Mon Feb 7 19:50:45 UTC 2011

Bill Nottingham (notting at said: 
> (Attempting to CC relevant spins/groups maintainers)
> I'm looking to do some rework of the base-x comps group. Right now, its
> main purpose in life is to provide the X server that is used by the
> various desktops (and the window-managers group, I suppose). However, given
> that, it has stuff in it that it really shouldn't - configuration tools,
> applets, session services, and so on.
> Attached is a patch series that attempts to remove this cruft from the
> base-x group, and place it, where relevant, in the appropriate desktop
> groups. (At least, the cruft that was on by default - I haven't attempted
> to weed out the optional packages yet.)

Thanks for the comments... merged now.


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