RFE: Restart option inside Gnome Shell

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 16:27:37 UTC 2011

On 02/16/2011 03:38 PM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 09:19 -0600, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
>> Hello,
>> During the first week of February, I had downloaded a Fedora 15 nightly
>> Live CD ISO. After booting into the Live image from my USB stick and
>> testing some of the new Fedora 15 features, I desired to restart my
>> computer and return to my Fedora 14 installation on my SSD drives. Upon
>> searching throughout the Gnome Shell I found no option to restart. I did
>> not want to shut down my computer. I felt trapped in Gnome Shell.
> Known bug:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=641375

It had spurred arousal on the test list since Adam mention that the 
Desktop team had decide to remove the ability to reboot.
( and nobody from the desktop team well corrected him )

"It was discussed during the Test Day. I don't have a web reference for
this exact issue, but the position of the design team is that they think
the only common use case for rebooting is to boot into a different
operating system in a multi-boot configuration, and they want to handle
that as a special case somehow (a direct 'reboot to Windows' option has
been suggested). They don't believe there are any sufficiently common
use cases for rebooting other than that one to justify the added
complexity of providing it as an option. (Desktop team, please correct
me if I'm representing this wrong)."

Just so we are clear on the subject the Gnome UI designer are not going 
to remove the ability to reboot from the desktop?
( Old mockups suggest that the ability to reboot will not be removed 
[1][2] ).

1. http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/Whiteboards/UserMenu
2. http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/Whiteboards/SystemStopRestart



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