Missing desktop icons and installation

Bastien Nocera bnocera at redhat.com
Mon Feb 28 09:44:27 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-02-27 at 11:35 +0100, drago01 wrote:
> Now that we no longer display desktop icons by default it is not
> obvious on how to install the operating system,
> as there is no longer a "Install to Hardisk" icon on the desktop. So
> the live cd does no longer promote any install option.
> I am wondering on why nobody noticed that till now and the obvious
> question is what should we do?
> Adding the desktop icons back is obviously not what we want, but I
> don't have any suggestion other than temporary display it and remove
> it post
> install.
> Toughs?  Suggestions?

We might want to show the installer in the same menu as suspend/switch

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