Proposal: Too similar application names

John Dulaney j_dulaney at
Wed Jul 13 14:55:43 UTC 2011

>I've toyed with NotShowIn for the 3 utilities above and it looks like
>it makes them hidden just fine. In case when I put NotShowIn
times, e.g. once for GNOME and once for KDE, the setting
>gets ignored
by GNOME (KDE honours it). Although that is not a
>problem now, as it
looks like we want to hide these just in GNOME,
>as it was suggested
that KDE settings do not provide system-wide
>Thus - would you guys agree to make the 3 duplicate system-config-*
>utilities "NotShowIn" in GNOME? And if so, what steps should we take
make this so?

Hey, Desktop Team,
What's the status of this?

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