Drop start.fedoraproject.org in favour of about:home

manuel.schnecki at gmail.com manuel.schnecki at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 14:45:14 UTC 2012

I agree in points 2 and 3.

However, I wouldn't drop it. I suggest a welcome page with useful information for newcomers, e.g. links to videos (html5, flash might not be installed) etc.
But I agree that it doesn't provide a clear function at all.

On 05.10.12 04:21 PM Elad Alfassa wrote:

This message is sent to two lists: websites and desktop.

start.fedoraproject.org has many problems [0], mainly:
1) it's ugly
2) it doesn't serve a clear function
3) It's one of the first things people trying Fedora will see, so it'll effect their opinion about Fedora.

I suggest we just drop this page completely and use the default firefox about:home start page instead.

[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Start.fpo_redesign

-Elad Alfassa.

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