Updated Fedora Workstation PRD draft

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 16:20:39 UTC 2013

Am Mittwoch, den 27.11.2013, 09:42 -0500 schrieb Matthias Clasen:
> It will have a default user experience that is using one desktop
> environment, GNOME. We will define criteria for other desktop
> environments to be installable as alternatives. Those criteria will
> include things such as:
> - use logind for session registration
> - work with gdm as the display manager
> - does not interfere with the default user experience (cf the recent
> incident where installing cinnamon broke screen locking in GNOME)

Why do you use the term "default user experience" when you in fact are
talking about gnome and gdm? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the working
group has not made a decision yet.

I think that GNOME is the DE suited best to become the default, but I
cannot support your other criteria. If other desktops are not supposed
to not interfere with GNOME, can we expect GNOME to not interfere with
other desktops?

This would indeed be a great achievement of the working group and I am
willing to support any efforts to make it happen.

Best regards,

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