Updated Fedora Workstation PRD draft

Alexander Volovics a.volovic at upcmail.nl
Wed Nov 27 12:06:12 UTC 2013

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 04:52:04AM -0500, Christian Schaller wrote:

> Hi Alexander,
> Well hopefully we will be able to alleviate this worries as time goes on, but the problem is that Fedora up to now have been trying to reach 'everyone', but have instead ended up reaching 'no one', just try putting a term like 'Fedora linux' into a google trends search. 
> We have to start somewhere and getting developers onto the platform is step one, we can as said in other emails start looking at broadening the scope as time goes by, but trying to start out by adding everyone's favorite user segment quickly puts us back in the land if no focus.
> In general though I wouldn't be to worried about a tons of programming language specific stuff filling your system, people defining themselves as developers doesn't really want 5 tons worth of stuff they never use either. So instead we are building tools like the Developer Assistant which will make it easier for developer to install the tools they do want and need, as opposed to trying to preload the system with every development tool under the sky. So the developer focus will more take the form of having a couple of items available like the Developer Assistant that makes installing development tools and scenarios easier and working on features like improved terminal handling and so on, as it is a much wanted developer request. 
> So that is the nature of the developer focus, working on features and tools for developers, not automatically installing 500 different IDEs as that wouldn't work for anyone either :)
Hi Christian,

Thanks for taking the time to clear up my misconceptions.
Though I didn't go so far as expecting to find 500 different IDEs
after installing :)


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