Updated Fedora Workstation PRD draft

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Fri Nov 29 19:42:33 UTC 2013

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 03:23:47 -0500,
   Christian Schaller <cschalle at redhat.com> wrote:
>Hi Bruno,
>An end user is of course free to do whatever she/he wants, it is open source after all, but having interchangeable login managers is not something I think should be a officially supported feature as it adds to the test matrix without significant gain. There has been a lot of threads about general usability and stability of Fedora here, and one way of improving on that is reducing the number of moving parts in the system to make life easier for our testers and also make integration work by developers more focused.

I guess that depends on what you mean by supported. I don't care whether or 
not they are signed off on for the release, but just that they are packaged 
in Fedora and work reasonably most of the time. gdm doesn't work on (and won't 
ever work for them because of graphics requirements) two of my machines and I 
need to use other login managers (currently kdm). This will turn into three 
machines if Fedora gets to the point I can run stock Fedora on my XO.

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