Guidelines draft: Apps and launchers

drago01 drago01 at
Wed Aug 20 17:45:50 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Elad Alfassa <elad at> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Since apparently we can't remove anything from default without having a
> "policy", and we can't ask packagers to fix their software either, I have to
> write this message.
> Apparently, not including a package by default is seen as "punishment". So,
> instead of doing actual work on bugfixing or debugging Fedora 21, or working
> on our website so it'll be ready for release time, I have to write this
> email message. I assumed the whole idea of Fedora.Next was to reduce
> bureaucracy and making sure we ship a high quality product. Apparently, I
> was wrong, and the point of seems to be *increasing* bureaucracy
> and having to discuss and write a policy for every one line commit we do.
> If you are out of the loop of the recent events, look at this bug:
> ---------
> Now, enough bitter sarcasm, here is my draft:
> In the following policy, I differentiate between "app launcher" and "app".
> An "app launcher" is a desktop file+icon that is shown in the application
> view, clicking on it would launch the app.
> An "app" is an application as defined by the GNOME 3 HIG (link TBD when HIG
> is published)
> As always in policies, mandatory items are marked with the words "must" and
> "must not", the rest is nice-to-have.
> App launchers in Fedora workstation *must*:
>  * Have a unique 64x64 launcher icon (the same icon MUST NOT be used for one
> default launcher).

64x64 is too small for high dpi screens (its the same as 32x32 for non
hidpi screen) if "64x64" is your aim ask for 128x128.

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