Make Yumex Default Package Manager

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Sat Nov 8 00:30:30 UTC 2014

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Rahul Sundaram <metherid at> 
> Completely agree with that but I don't think command line experience 
> makes me atypical since developer types are part of the explicitly 
> stated focus of the workstation.

To be fair (and maybe a pain in the butt, sorry) - even when I was in 
computer science classes using Visual Studio (those were dark days) we 
had to use the command line to run our apps. I know that relatively 
speaking in the world of tech that is a very long time ago. Is 
programming so different than that now that you can do it 
professionally / seriously without command line tools (or without 
wanting to use command line tools?)

Here's some real-life developers who aren't as niche as us (or at least 
not in our niche!) - (developer for square) "I write my 
code in Sublime Text 2 (tricked out with a ton of extra installed 
packages), use iTerm2 for my terminal" - (developer for Zillow / HotPads) 
"I run git directly in Terminal, so I can learn its intricacies better 
and I have a bunch of my personal projects committed to my GitHub 
account." - (founder / developer Heroku) "For 
web development, my go-to stack for many years has been Vim, Git, Ruby, 
Bundler, Sinatra, Postgres, Sequel, GitHub, Heroku, and S3." - (Netflix perf engineer) "I use a 
lot of somewhat standard software. For word processing, I do a lot of 
my writing in the vim text editor. I wrote my last book in vim, for the 
drafts, before they become OpenOffice and Word documents, which I use 
as well. " - (Google search app developer) 
"For coding, I use vim when possible and XCode when necessary. Most 
desktop GUIs do more harm than good, and I'd rather hang out in a TTY 
all day." - (UX/dev at Vox Media) "I spend most 
of my time on the command line full screen 4 windows at once opened 
with a hotkey, but use Mac OS X because I can type things like "open 
Photoshop," which I use mainly for making funnies on Twitter." (SoundCloud developer) "I also spend 
a lot of time in Terminal; I write code in vim and recently switched to 
using fish as my shell."

I could go on, but you get the point.

Here and there you'll see a dev profiled on that site who uses Linux, 
but it's almost invariably Ubuntu (I found one Debian.) 

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