Workstation branding on login screen (GDM)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Oct 2 19:12:02 UTC 2014

On Thu, Oct 02, 2014 at 10:38:32AM -0400, Ray Strode wrote:
> You can argue that logos will help us differentiate our product from other
> distributions, and while that's an important goal, it's also a little
> short sited. In the bigger picture, we need to differentiate ourselves
> from the real competition (OS X and Windows), and we can achieve that by
> providing a superior user experience and a better developer story. If we
> can get a share of those developers that currently aren't using linux at
> all, we'll win against all the other distributions anyway, since there are
> so many more of them.

I like the appeal to simplicity. (I have my own GNOME desktop configured
with a dark gray background and the hide top bar extension for a very
minimal appearance!)

But the case I'm thinking about is when developers give presentations at
conferences using Fedora. I'd like it to be easily apparent to the audience
that they're using Fedora, not a different distro.

I'm not a designer so I don't know how to do that in a beautiful, subtle,
and impactful way — but I want it to be all of those things. And as someone
with a huge stake in Fedora Workstation succeeding as a brand, if I had to
choose, I would go for impactful over beautiful over subtle.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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