Release notes have a launcher - maybe we should remove that

Elad Alfassa elad at
Wed Sep 3 16:00:33 UTC 2014

Hi all.

To clarify my opinion on this, my proposal is:

We drop the launcher. Main page will link to the
release notes if it fits the design and website team's design.
Release notes will also be linked from get.fpo and the Fedora help
page (the help page will be linked to from basically everywhere).

In addition, in the first month after GA we will have a very prominent
"news bar" saying Fedora 21 was released recently and people can
download it or read the release notes, with appropriate links.
After this month the link will stay but move to a less distracting
location at the bottom of the page.

It will be *way* more visible than it is now, and we won't need to
deal with the problematic launcher.

-Elad Alfassa.

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