F21 Workstation System Requirements - Storage

Giovanni Campagna giocampagna92 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 10:38:27 UTC 2014

On Sep 4, 2014 12:27 AM, "Elad Alfassa" <elad at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I did a netinstall of F21 (it worked) and the resulting installed
> system was around 4GB.
> So, 4GB for base system, plus 2GB for updates (there are a lot of them
> during the lifetime of the product), and 4GB for extra headroom (user
> apps, content) - that comes out as 10GB minimal.

Are we not recommending any swap space at all in minimal installations?

> So I'd say 10GB minimal, 25GB recommended, standard "more is better"
> clause, and maybe add something about the fact we come with "batteries
> included" - ie. we have a full office suite and such, to justify the
> space needs.
> For the record, the biggest packages we install by default are:
> 252MB libreoffice-core
> 108MB firefox
> 97MB java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
> 76MB webkitgtk4
> 68MB PyXB
> There's probably some room for minor optimization, for those who care
> about the live image size (I care, but trimming it is hard now that we
> ship with so many stuff "we can't do without). I don't think we can do
> much to reduce the final installed size - I think 10GB minimal is
> reasonable.
> --
> -Elad Alfassa.
> --
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