F21 Workstation System Requirements - i686

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Fri Sep 5 20:25:18 UTC 2014

Will/should there be separate or slightly more qualified requirements for i686? Either hardware 3D support, or an age bracket?

I ask because I dug out a 10 year old Dell laptop from storage and it meets the current requirements: 2GB RAM, 60GB drive, 1.7GHz CPU.

But with AMD RV250/M9 GL FireGL 9000/Radeon 9000, the journal reports:
gnome-session-is-accelerated: No hardware 3D support. 

While gdm comes up, gnome-shell crashes (this is TC6). With my QA hat on, I'd say if it worked, I'd use it against some of the test cases; the fact it doesn't and i686 is (probably?) going away soon anyway makes me think "if it works, bonus; if it doesn't, give up while you still can" sort of attitude.

Chris Murphy

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