Some suggestions for Marketing notes for FW 21

Michael Catanzaro mcatanzaro at
Tue Sep 9 17:40:42 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-09-09 at 18:32 +0300, Elad Alfassa wrote:
> I completely disagree with that. We do a lot of integration work, and
> the default set did change a lot, for example the firewall allowing
> incoming connections to high ports out of the box and there's much
> less useless stuff installed by default. 

Less useless stuff installed by default? I can't think of anything major
that's been dropped besides firewall-config? In fact we seem to have
picked up openjdk8 policy editor; that's got to go.

I know we've ADDED a few apps that were not in F20, like Image Viewer
and Boxes, but I'm having a hard time thinking of what's been removed?
Anyway, F20 shipped with mostly core GNOME apps, F21 will ship with
mostly core GNOME apps... there hasn't been any revolution here.

> We also install git by
> default, for example, which we didn't do before.
> Overall Fedora 21 comes almost ready for developers to use out of the
> box.

OK, git is new. devassistant is new. I think we have man-pages now as
well? If so, that's great.

> What you're saying effectively tries to diminish all the hard work
> we've done this cycle, and I don't like this at all.

Well I'm not saying I don't like the changes. I think you're doing a
good job with the default package set. I just think "much more polished
and targeted product than what you seen before from the Fedora
community" is a big exaggeration. (But that's how marketing's supposed
to work, right?) F20 was pretty good, too; the firewall and
gnome-software were the big warts, and those would have been fixed
regardless of whether we call this release Fedora Desktop or Fedora

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