Do we really need LibreOffice installed by default?

Elad Alfassa elad at
Fri Sep 12 15:15:21 UTC 2014

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Paul W. Frields <stickster at>

> Of course, so the image is necessarily larger as a result.  But I
> question whether the difference saved by eliminating LO would really
> impact people's ability to download.  I'd expect someone who can't
> download a 1.2GB image wouldn't have their problem solved by only
> downloading a ~750-950MB image.

Downloading a smaller image is cheaper (if you pay per byte) and it's
faster. I, for example, have to wait an hour and a half to download a
workstation compose these days, some of the composes being 1.4GB.

-Elad Alfassa.
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