Why people are not switching to Fedora

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Thu May 7 20:00:11 UTC 2015

On Thu, 7 May 2015 14:34:20 -0400 (EDT), Christian Schaller wrote:

> Release cadence
> Quite a few people mentioned this, ranging from those who wanted to switch us to a rolling release, a tick/tock 
> release style, to just long release cycles. Probably more people saying they thought the current 6 Month cycle
> was just to harrowing than people who wanted rolling releases or tick/tock releases.

What I wonder here is have they found another dist that is successful with
a rolling release?

Many users who do "distribution hopping" use their installations only a
bit and effectively use nothing for a long time. Their are lots of users
with multi-booting setups and where the Linux installation is booted only

> SELinux is a pain
> A few comments about SELinux still getting in the way at times

And enforcing=0 still works.

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