Is the text on for the workstation product on OK?

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Tue Sep 8 18:05:45 UTC 2015

On 09/08/2015 12:44 PM, Nikos Roussos wrote:
> Apologies in advance if this has already been discussed before, but is
> there a reason e changed our primary domain to
> In terms of branding seems a better fit. After all
> our site is about the whole project, not just to download an iso.

This is probably off-topic for this list, but this is part of the 
overall strategy of the websites team for probably over a year now. The 
impetus to develop this plan was the effort - moving from 
one to three editions of Fedora fundamentally changed how we had to 
think about the website.

This old blog post outlines the initial proposal )which we ended up 
agreeing on and have moved forward with):

I am happy to answer any questions about the Fedora websites strategy in 
whatever forum deemed appropriate (the websites list might be best though?)


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