Slight change in how cvs notifications work

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Fri Jul 25 06:11:11 UTC 2008

We've had some issues with notification emails being sent on cvs 
commits.  Sometimes generating the list of email addresses to notify was 
slow, on other occassions it would fail altogether.  To alleviate this 
we've changed from a dynamic determination of who is notified by 
querying the pkgdb to a static one by sending to an email alias 
generated from pkgdb information once an hour.

There is one major difference (besides speed) to note in this:  Before, 
the owner and people in the watchcommits acls received notifications 
that a cvs commit was made to a package.  Now the owner and people 
onwatchcommits and watchbugzilla acls are notified.

The aliases used to send these messages are all 
pkg-owner at in case you have mail filters you want to 
setup to handle it.

Thank you,

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