Proposed F19 Feature: FreeIPA Two Factor Authentication

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at
Mon Feb 11 13:06:25 UTC 2013

This Feature has been submitted *before* Feature Submission Deadline and it 
required input/changes from the owner or was queued.

= Features/FreeIPA Two Factor Authentication =

Feature owner(s): Nathaniel McCallum <npmccallum at > 

Provide Kerberos enabled, LDAP replicated, two-factor authentication for 

== Detailed description ==
Until recently, no two-factor authentication was possible with Kerberos. 
However, the standardization of RFC 6560 combined with recent work in the MIT 
krb5 code makes it possible to now offer support for two-factor authentication 
in Kerberos.

Fedora 18 already supports most of the client side of this proposal. FreeIPA 
will be landing support for the server side in Fedora 19.

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