F21 System Wide Change: Optional Javadocs

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Tue Mar 18 14:31:06 UTC 2014

= Proposed System Wide Change: Optional Javadocs =

Change owner(s): Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com>

Make javadoc subpackages of Java packages optional in guidelines and 
communicate this change to users. 

== Detailed Description ==
With introduction of ARM as primary Fedora architecture and release of OpenJDK 
8 it will become increasingly difficult to maintain javadoc subpackages in all 
Java packages. Initial testing showed 80% build failure rate due to OpenJDK 8 
update. Additionally building javadocs is memory and CPU intensive and usually 
severely impacts build times (most on ARM architecture) for questionable 
benefit. Moreover our javadoc subpackages were never fully interconnected, 
mostly due to non-automated parts in generation. Work on improving javadoc 
generation is currently low-priority.

Making javadoc subpackages optional will enable packages with leaf packages 
(end user applications) or deprecated libraries with dead upstream which 
nobody should be developing against to opt-out of javadoc subpackage creation. 

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: Prepare new Java packaging guideline draft 
* Other developers: (optionally) Remove their javadoc subpackages if it makes 
sense for their packages and make main package Obsolete them 
* Release engineering: Nothing 
* Policies and guidelines: New Packaging:Java guideline has to be prepared 

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