Bugzilla upgrade on 2015-09-20

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Tue Sep 15 03:51:54 UTC 2015

I'm resending this announcement and FAQ from the bugzilla-announce list
as it will be of interest to Fedora Developers and users.

A Upgrade FAQ is available at:


And the announcement post is: 
(and copied below)

Dear Bugzilla User,

On September 20th we will upgrade the production Red Hat Bugzilla
servers as the next step in the ongoing Bugzilla Performance Improvement

To help users prepare for the production upgrade, we have upgraded
Partner Bugzilla, our public-facing staging system [1]. To ensure that
the changeover of the production system will be as smooth as possible,
we invite users to test their applications and RPC scripts against
Partner Bugzilla during the next two weeks and to submit any bug reports
via [2] no later than September 9th.

We expect that the production upgrade will provide a modest improvement
to overall performance and will enable us to make further improvements
in the future. The upgrade will also make Bugzilla more robust against
hardware failure.

In addition to upgrading the hardware, we will change the underlying
database from MySQL to PostgreSQL, which is better at handling
Bugzilla's database workload.

Neither upgrade should change the functionality offered by the Red Hat
Bugzilla user-interface or by the RPC APIs. If you observe any issues
that affect your applications or RPC scripts, please report them as soon
as possible.

Thank you,
-- The Red Hat Bugzilla Team

[1] https://partner-bugzilla.redhat.com/
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Bugzilla
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