/usr boot time dependencies

Florian La Roche laroche at redhat.com
Wed Aug 20 05:13:24 UTC 2003

> well, the use of sort and grep in pipelines including awk always bugs 
> me a bit:
> sysctl -a | awk '$0 ~ /^net\.ipv6\.conf\./ { split($1,a,/\./); 
> foo[a[4]] = a[4]; } END {asort(foo); for (i in foo) { if (foo[i] != 
> "all" && foo[i] != "default") print foo[i];}}'
> at a minimum, grep regex | awk '....' can nearly always trivially be
> replaced with: awk '$0 ~ /regex/ ....' - grep | awk -> no! :)

Please submit patches into bugzilla, if you want to have those
replaced. I also think that some of those constructs should be

"sort -u" is a GNU extension. I am not sure we should rely on it.

> > do_netreport will never need to call id if it doesn't exist, so
> > ! -x /usr/bin/id -o ...
> > should resolve that issue.
> use the bash EUID builtin variable :)

I don't think we should add further things that rely on bash specifics.

> > In either case, bugzilla.  :-)
> see:
> 102702 - tcp_wrappers install libwrap to /usr/lib
> 102703 - portmap links to /usr/lib/libwrap (comment refers to 102702)
> 102704 - portmap init script uses /usr/bin/id

portmap was changed to not use id and link statically against libwrap.
(This should be mentioned here twice on this list and rawhide should
have new rpms.)

> 102706 - initscripts network-functions uses uniq

Up to someone else to decide. I wouldn't use "sort -u".


Florian La Roche

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