comps - xml/xls file parser

we livelinux at
Mon Dec 1 08:47:14 UTC 2003

Hi all, 

while porting my livecd from redhat 9 to fedora core 1, i wrote
a simple xsl processor script to inspect redhat comps installation files. 

The script also gives  a quick overview about package/group dependencies :
the installation state (mandatory, default or optional) is indicated by
the colors red, green and blue.

The script parses the comps.xml tree and outputs each group and package
nodes, showing information such as package name and description, required
groups and packages etc.

Default output language is  'de', can be tweaked in the xls script..

To work, the comps file must include the xsl file using this tag :

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="compsxml.xsl" ?>

You can see a screenshot and download the  script  (73kb)  at:

- Works reliable with mozilla 1.5.
- Internet Explorer works not. (as expected.)
- tested with fedora core 1 comps.xml file.

Please drop me a line if you find it usefull. 



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