The current buildsystem and future directions

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Mon Dec 1 19:51:26 UTC 2003

walters at (Colin Walters) writes:

>> 2. Is chroot(2) implemented in a safe manner? Or, can parent directories
>>    of build-roots be protected with SELinux policies? Is a safe chroot(2)
>>    required at all?
> Using SELinux, a chroot doesn't provide any additional direct security. 
> However, you may find it convenient to use a chroot in this instance so
> that different sets of packages can be installed, etc.

I am asking because of the following situation: there are two, (nearly)
equal buildroots A & B in the directory tree like

  |- A
  `- B

Can it be prohibited that A modifies files within B?

Would it be possible to forbid any kind of access at <basedir> for

>> 5. Can special mount-operations (e.g. /proc filesystem) be allowed by
>>    the policy, or does this require userspace helper also?
> The mount system call is restricted, yes.

We will have to deal with

  mount -t proc none <buildroot>/proc
  mount --bind trojan /bin/sh

The first command MUST be supported, but the second one (inclusive
variants) be forbidden.


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