dep. issues w/ python-tools, ruby-tcltk, setools, tkinter

Jens Petersen petersen at
Fri Dec 12 09:31:57 UTC 2003

>>>>> "MM" == Mark Mielke <mark at> writes:

    MM> After upgrading tcl from fedora-devel, the packages
    MM> listed above cannot be installed (well, I had to
    MM> uninstall them to install tcl).

    MM>   python-tools needs a newer tkinter

Yep, known issues, thank you. :)

The new separate tix package is built and should appear very

    MM>   ruby-tcltk needs tcl 8.3 (should it be rebuilt
    MM>   with 8.4?)

This has been rebuilt.

    MM>   setools needs tcl 8.3 (should it be rebuilt with
    MM>   8.4?)

    MM>   tkinter needs (do we still use
    MM>   tix?)

Yes, that is correct.  These rebuilds should get done shortly.


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